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4 min read
Colostrum Harvesting
Colostrum Harvesting So you’ve probably heard people talk about colostrum harvesting, or your midwife may have given you some syringes...

5 min read
Antenatal depression…what’s that?
Pregnancy depression…what?? Surely you feel that pregnancy glow? Are you thrilled? Completely in love with the little one you’re growing...

3 min read
How to use hypnobirthing techniques at antenatal appointments?
Hey mamas, what I love about hypnobirthing techniques, is how adaptable they are. My eldest is nearly 4, and I still find myself using my...

Guest blogger
5 min read
Guest blog - Amber Ferguson
My guest blogger is talking about the benefits of postnatal yoga, and how it can help you.

3 min read
What to do when labour starts
Alright, so you've been patiently waiting for nine long months and finally, the moment has arrived - labour has started! It's an exciting...

2 min read
How long does labour last?
As a birth worker, one of the most common questions I hear from expectant parents is about how long labour lasts. It's a valid question,...

2 min read
Can you have a pregnancy without symptoms?
One of the most common questions you will hear when pregnant is, “how are you feeling?” That’s because for many women, pregnancy is...

3 min read
The Labour Comb: Pain Relief During Contractions!
The technique of using a labour comb as a form of pain relief during childbirth is an approach that incorporates principles from the gate...

2 min read
Understanding the Importance of a Birth Plan: Do You Really Need One?
A birth plan is an incredibly valuable tool in ensuring you have considered your choices, and receive the care.

3 min read
Can pregnancy tests be wrong?
Pregnancy tests are incredibly accurate, but they're not perfect. There are a few reasons why a pregnancy test might give a false...

2 min read
My 10 favourite positive affirmations for birth, and how to use them.
Positive affirmations are statements or phrases that are repeated regularly to get our subconscious mind to believe them.

3 min read
Your last Christmas together before your family grows - how to enjoy being pregnant at Christmas!
The Christmas season can be a magical time of year, filled with joy, love, and special moments with loved ones.

3 min read
Navigating the Pregnancy Anxiety Rollercoaster:Tips for a Smooth Ride!
Pregnancy anxiety can be a real thing, with information coming at you from all angles. Growing another human feels like a big responsibility

3 min read
What Pregnancy Vitamins Should I Take?
Congratulations mama, you have either just seen that positive line on your pregnancy test, or you are preparing to get pregnant.

3 min read
Does hypnobirthing really work?
Yes! There is lots of evidence to show that hypnobirthing works! It absolutely stacks the odds of a positive experience in your favout.

3 min read
What is Hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is the name given to a form of antenatal education which prepares you mentally, emotionally, and physically.
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